OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

22 September 1982

(Senate Minute pages: 2146-2164)

President A. Pintar called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m., on September 22, 1982 in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union.

Roll: Twenty six members/alternates were present. Absent were: Brahney (HU), Janke (Bio); Johnson (IMR); Sathyanarayanan (Grad. Student Council); and Suryanarayana (ME-EM).

Recognition of Visitors: D. Wilson of Ford Forestry Center was recognized

Minutes of Previous Meeting - Corrections were made to the numbering of the last two meetings. The meeting on March 31, 1982 was Meeting No. 123 and the meeting on May 5, 1982 was Meeting No. 124. On page 2109, Senate nominees for the University Athletic Council should read "Phyllis Boutilier, Dave Halkola and Terrell Warrington." On page 2108, Professor Hauge was recognized in the form of a motion which was approved by the Senate. The minutes of meeting number 124 were approved as corrected.

President's Report:

President Pintar's written report is given on pages 2150-2151 (Available by Request from the Senate Office). Major items included:

  1. A summary of pending and approved Senate proposals
  2. A possible problem with the Interpretation/Enforcement rules drawn up to implement Proposal 1-82: Repeat Policy
  3. Proposed changes in tenure policy
  4. Report of University Sabbatical Leave Committee
  5. Appointment to the University Athletic Council

Vice President's Report

President Pintar outlined a report on the May 27, 1982 meeting of the Board of Control. Actions taken included:

  1. Approval to close Industrial Learning Center
  2. Preliminary approval for M.S. in Mineral Economics
  3. Approval of temporary interim 1982-83 budget
  4. Miscellaneous items

Details of the report are on pages 2152-2153 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Vice President Crowther reported on two meetings. The May 11, 1982 meeting of the Academic Council discussed:

  1. Proposed revision of the enrollment requirements for undergraduate students
  2. University insurance coverage for employees and students
  3. Actions of the University Course Change Committee

The complete report is given on page 2144. At the July 16, 1982 Board of Control meeting, the major actions were:

  1. Approval of promotion and tenure recommendations
  2. Objection to tenure policy
  3. Announcement of Vice President for Research
  4. Approval of 1982-83 budget
  5. Report on donation of UOP land to MTU

The written report is on pages 2154-1255 (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Election of Senate Officers for 1982-1983

Vice President Crowther, Chairman of the Senate Elections Committee announced the following nominees:

President: D. Abata (At Large)
Vice President: S. Beske-Diehl (Geo/Geo Eng.); T. Monson (Bus/Engr. Admin.)
Secretary: R. Adams (IWR); G. Gimmestad (KRC)

P. Tampas (School of Technology) was nominated from the floor for the position of President.

Committee Reports continued while the ballots were counted.

Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy -No Report.

B. Instructional Policy - No Report.

C. Institutional Evaluation

Senator Beske-Diehl reported that the committee is considering a proposal to the Senate regarding headships versus chairpersons. The faculty has expressed a desire to have more input into the decision making processes at MTU (pp. 2013-2025, Senate Minutes). Reaction of the two departments recently making the transition is being surveyed. The investigation into strengthening the Senate has been tabled until completion of the proposal.

D. Promotional Policy and Professional Standards and Development - No Report.

*E. Ad Hoc Task Force on Promotion and Tenure

Senator Tampas indicated that the proposed revisions are in final form and that they will be mailed to the faculty shortly. Sufficient time will be given for comments and there will be an open discussion on the proposed revisions before they are voted on.

F. Elections

Senator Crowther reported the following results for Senate Officers: President: Duane Abata; Vice President: Terry D. Monson; Secretary: Roy D. Adams.

The meeting was turned over to the new President and Secretary. A motion was made, seconded and carried to destroy the ballots.

G. Budget Committee

There was no report. President Abata, who was budget liaison officer last year, commended the University Administration for working closely with the Senate, particularly in regard to salary increases for 1982-83. The written opinions of a number of Senators were transmitted to President Stein and used in discussions with the Board of Control. They evidently were effective in that salary increases were forthcoming.

H. Joint Committee on Relations Between the Senate and Faculty Association - No Report.

I. Faculty Fringe Benefits - No Report.

J. Senate Handbook

As noted in the President's Report, Senator Rivard completed his revision of the Senate Handbook. Once it has been proofread, it will be available for distribution.

K. Faculty Handbook

Senator Crowther indicated the committee will meet shortly to consider revisions for the next edition. The committee requested that the Senate President have a committee review the definition of undergraduate faculty. As it appears in the current faculty handbook, the definition seems to exclude the faculty of the School of Technology.

*L. Ad Hoc Bookstore Committee

Senator Thomas stated that the final report from the committee had been submitted to Vice President Whitten. It contained a number of recommendations most of which have been put into effect. Specific recommendations include:

  1. Changes to the procedures manual to more closely correlate bookstore activities with department activities
  2. Updating of technology in the bookstore
  3. Methods to reduce the length of lines
  4. Student participation in the bookstore operations

In reference to item iv, the Student Council has formed a committee to implement this. There was additional discussion regarding availability of textbooks in view of overstocking, understocking or late arrival. Senator Francis suggested that faculty would be more understanding if they understood more of the problems confronting the bookstore. There was also a short discussion on textbooks being held in reserve in the library.

*M. Ad Hoc University Committee on Surveying

The committee has been discharged with the final report presented on pages 2130-2140 of the minutes of Meeting No. 124.

*Indicates a non-Senate committee reporting to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. These committees contain Senate representation and accordingly reports are presented for inclusion of the minutes.

Old Business - No discussion.


New Business

Dave Wilson (FFC) questioned whether Ford Forestry Center would have Senate representation now that FFC has been merged with the Department of Forestry and was informed that there would no longer be a Senator for FFC.

President Stein commented that the administration appreciated the work done by the Senate during the past year, in particular the leadership of Senators Pintar and Abata.


The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.